Download Space Siege

Once again the evil aliens attacked the Earth. The planters, managed to escape on cargo ships. Among them there were, and you - engineer Seth Walker and that you will save the entire universe. The main chip in the game that you can replace parts of the body on the mechanisms that makes you stronger, but it takes "humanity". In the game to make a choice - to become a cyborg or remain a man.

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Minimum System requirements:
Microsoft ® Windows ® XP Service Pack 2, Vista
2.6 GHz processor
512 MB RAM
3 GB available hard-drive space
128 MB video RAM or greater, with DirectX 9 Vertex Shader / Pixel Shader 2.0 support (Nvidia 6800/ATI 9800 or better)
Sound card, instancing required
Broadband internet connection (DSL / Cable).


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